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Long Beach Property Management

8 Ways to Secure Your Rental Property So Your Tenants Feel Safe

For a home to feel like home, even if it’s a rental, you must feel safe and secure in it. That’s why it’s so important for landlords to consider securing their Long Beach properties with necessary locks, lights, and alarms. 

As a landlord, you may not be aware of any crime that may happen in the area. You should educate yourself about the area and stay up to date with recent statistics and rates.

When tenants feel safe while living in your property, they are more likely to renew their lease with you. Adding safety amenities also makes it easier to lease your property to a prospective tenant because they can see the care you’ve put into it and keep them safe. 

So, what should you do to secure your property in Long Beach? We have eight tips that will increase your property and tenant’s safety in Long Beach. 

1. Add a Deadbolt Lock

The front door to your property most certainly has a lock on the doorknob. While this is one way to protect your tenants, a better and more secure way is to add a deadbolt. 

Deadbolts offer a unique mechanism that is harder to open than a simple lock on a doorknob. Having two locks on all doors that lead outside of the property is a simple way to make it more secure. 

2. Install an Alarm System

Even if you have a deadbolt on your property’s doors, another way to secure it is with a monitored alarm system. If anyone tries to enter the house while the alarm is activated, a loud sound will go off, and the tenant will be notified of an intruder. 

This is perfect for tenants who live alone and want to set an alarm at night or tenants who travel a lot and want to keep their homes safe.

Let’s not forget that simply having an alarm is a deterrent for a majority of predators. A sign on the property advertising the alarm system and the blaring sound that goes off is a criminal’s worst nightmare. 

3. Consider Security Cameras

Security cameras may be a good idea if you want to collect evidence of any instances that may take place. They’re also more affordable than ever! 

If you choose to install security cameras, be sure to make your tenant aware that they are recording. Keep in mind that you cannot record audio without the parties’ consent too. Never install a camera inside the property, as this is a violation of your tenant’s privacy and is against California law.

Some landlords even place fake security cameras on the outside of the property to deter people from breaking in. The fake ones are often mistaken for the real thing. 

4. Enhance Exterior Lighting

When your tenant comes home at night, they don’t want to walk to the front door in the dark. Make sure to add bright lighting to illuminate the area. 

One way to do this is to add a motion detector light above the front door and install lights along any walkways. This makes it easy for your tenant to find their keys in any bags they have and examine their surroundings. 

5. Secure Windows and Doors

Before you even consider renting your property to a tenant in Long Beach, be sure to inspect it for safety. If there are any loose windows or doors that could easily be broken into, make sure to fix them promptly. 

This is especially important if you purchased a property that needed some work and renovation. Sometimes you may need to install a brand-new door or window to ensure they’re securing the property for your tenant. 

6. Go Keyless

In this wonderful age of digital home technology, many landlords are opting for keyless locks that require a code. Not only does this make it more difficult to pick a lock, but it also reduces the number of times a tenant calls about being locked out because they forgot their key. 

If you can find a keypad that connects with the alarm system, that can make your property even more secure. 

7. Allow Dogs

Some landlords in Long Beach refuse to allow pets in their properties, mostly because they’re afraid of the damage they may cause. However, if you let your tenants have dogs in the rental, it can make it even more secure. 

Dogs are known to be great protectors. If a stranger comes near the property, they will often alert their owners by barking. Some even go so far as to physically protect their owners. 

If you’re still unsure about allowing pets, you can always ask for a separate deposit to cover damages done by the animal. 

8. Require Renters Insurance

Renters insurance not only protects your tenant and their belongings, but it can protect you from certain liabilities as well. Since a renters insurance policy is only a handful of cash per month, most tenants don’t have a problem paying it. 

What does renters insurance cover? Well, if something is stolen from the property or there’s a leak, and your tenant’s belongings are damaged, renters insurance can cover the cost to repair or replace these items. 

It’s much better to be safe than sorry in these types of situations!

Secure Your Property and Next Tenant with CMC Realty and Property Management

Now that you know some steps you can take to secure your property, are you ready to secure your next tenant in Long Beach? CMC Realty and Property Management will find you highly qualified tenants while managing and maintaining your property. 

As the area’s leading property management company, landlords trust us to take care of their investments, from collecting rent to scheduling repairs to ensuring compliance with California law. 

Are you ready to secure your next tenant with the help of CMC Realty and Property Management? Contact us today to discuss your options!

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